by MindfulHermit

10+ Ways How To Boost Your Self-Confidence

August 28, 2022 | Self-Care

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Do you think you aren’t confident enough? Does your low self-confidence impact your life and your well-being? Keep reading to find out how to boost your self-confidence.

10+ Ways How To Boost Your Self-Confidence
10+ Ways How To Boost Your Self-Confidence

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What Is Self-Confidence And Why Is It Important?

Before we jump into self-confidence, let s cover confidence first. So what is confidence?

Confidence is a feeling of having faith in or relying on someone or something. Wikipedia explains confidence as a “state of being clear-headed either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective.”

Whereas self-confidence means having trust in yourself. It is a positive attitude about your abilities, skills and control in your life.

But that’s not all. You also clearly understand both; your strengths and weaknesses and are capable of setting realistic expectations and goals.

Imagine what it would be like to have all the skills, abilities and strengths. Good news! You have the capability of learning anything you desire!

In this post, I will teach you how to become a more confident and at the same time powerful version of yourself. I will show you 10 simple steps on how to gain confidence so you can be happier and can achieve more in your life. Plus you will learn how to attain freedom from fear, anxiety, and self-doubt, so you can have greater peace of mind and stress-free life.

What Are The 12 Pillars Of Self- Confidence?

10+ Ways How To Boost Your Self-Confidence

It this section, you will learn what are the 12 pillars of self-confidence and why it is important to know them and follow them. Let’s get started!

#1: Be Self-Aware

This is the first step you need to adapt when working on your self-confidence. Why? The answer is simple: you need to know what you want and why you want to become more confident.

#2: Understand Your Emotions

Reflect on your emotions, and try to understand the intention of each of your positive emotions.

#3: Know Yourself

You need to know your value, self-esteem, strengths, and weaknesses. but you know what else? you need to learn how to turn weaknesses into opportunities so then you can turn them into strengths. It is easier than you think.

#4: Practice Self-Confidence

Keep reading the post to find out all the best ways of practising self-confidence.

#5: Take Action

Instead of doing nothing, do something. Challenge your fears and remember one thing; you will be fine, no matter what!

#6: “No One Is Better Than Me” Attitude

Ways How To Boost Your Self-Confidence
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

OK, this pillar is very important. And let me tell you something; it is very simple to learn.

Years ago, I moved over to a new house. My next-door neighbour was a bit older than me and she had so much confidence in herself. every time I have spoken to her, I felt like she is better than me. I couldn’t figure out why I felt this way. and guess what? I absolutely hated that. One day I decided that I will no longer be like that.

Actually, when I think about it now, it wasn’t only my next-door neighbour. And actually, it wasn’t my neighbour at all, it was ME!

Roughly at the same time, I started university and my low self-confidence was stopping me from learning and from self-improvement.

I was so nervous when I had to present something in front of a group, or if I was asked a question.

It lasted only for a couple of weeks, and then I have decided that if I carry on like this, I won’t achieve anything.

I had to switch my mindset, I was telling myself over and over again that “I am the best”, “I am hardworking”, “I am confident”, “I can do this”, etc.

I couldn’t believe how powerful it was and how I changed in no time.

But I had a goal, I knew what I want and where I wanna be in the future. and it helped me boost my self-confidence.

#7: By Empathetic

Try to understand others. Think about it: everyone is trying their best. What’s more; once you learn how to be empathetic, you won’t take anything personally, you will build your resilience to another level.

But that’s not all!!

By learning that, you are another step further to building your self-confidence.

And that carries the following: easier life, more enjoyment, brave decisions, more accomplishments and huge achievement, stress-free life and so on.

Can you see where I am going with this?

By working on your self-confidence, by mastering the 12 pillars, not only do you tick one of your to-do boxes, but also you create a much better and easier life for yourself and your loved ones. And honestly, it is much simpler than you think.

#8: Have Self-Confidence HEROS

Create your own HERO. You can use someone famous, someone, you know that inspires you; can be anyone.

Let’s dig a little bit deeper: when you create your HERO, it needs to have the same sex.

You can even imagine exactly how the person will look like. So whenever you are not sure about what action you should take, or how to react to a particular situation, you can imagine your HERO in this exact situation.

Got it? It really is that simple! And once you nailed it, it will help you go through the whole process of boosting self-confidence.

#9: Take Care Of Yourself

Don’t forget to invest some time in yourself.

Let me tell you something: prioritising your own needs isn’t selfish, it’s called taking care of yourself.

And it is crucial! You should always be your priority #1! Do you think I am exaggerating? Not really, no!

Let me explain – by prioritising yourself and investing time in yourself, you can become a better you.

You learn how to love yourself and how to treat yourself better.

Think about it this way; once you mastered self-care and self-love, you are in a position to love others, to care about others.

If you would like to find out more about how to make yourself priority no 1, read “16 Ways How To Make Yourself Priority No 1.” But that’s not all!!!

If you would like to gain knowledge on how to practice self-care, click HERE. (psst, open in a new tab, so you don’t lose your momentum reading this post).

#10: Be 100% Yourself

Don’t try to be someone else, be 100% truthful and yourself. The reality is: that you are unique and, one of a kind so just appreciate it.

#11: Accept Yourself

You are amazing, we all are. You need to learn how to love yourself and understand finally that you are unique.

You don’t need to be anyone else. You have beautiful values in you, and that’s why you got so far. Most importantly, you are still working on yourself.

You are aiming to improve yourself by reading this and learning how you can gain your self-confidence. Am I right? Heck yes!

#12: Notice Your Accomplishments

Be proud of your achievements, even the small ones. And don’t compare yourself to anyone, just follow your pace.

Why Some Of Us Aren’t Confident?

There are many reasons why people are lacking confidence. It might be your genes or temperament. Or life experience – in this case, life experiences that weren’t so great. For example, trauma, bad parenting style, bullying, humiliation, and the environment you are or were in.

In other words, you are creating your personality throughout your entire life. And as you probably already know, life throws good and bad experiences at us.

The good news is: that you can choose how to treat or how to react to bad experiences and turn them into opportunities!

Yes, you are reading that right. Learn how to turn weaknesses and bad experiences into positive outcomes and into your strengths.

What Is The Difference Between Self-Confidence And Self-Esteem?

Before we dive into how to build self-confidence, let me explain the difference between self-esteem and self-confidence.

And before you ask the question; yes! Self-esteem and self-confidence are two different things; although they are used interchangeably.

In a short and sweet sentence; confidence is a measure of faith in your abilities, whereas esteem is about your sense of self.

Confidence is about knowing what you can and can’t do and most importantly how you can trust your abilities.

It relates to specific areas of your life and is about achieving goals and succeeding at challenges.

On the other hand, esteem is linked to value. It is about how you feel about yourself, your thoughts, feeling and behaviours.

Moreover, self-esteem and self-confidence do not always occur together. They might, but sometimes it is possible to be confident in a certain area of your life or your abilities but has low self-esteem.

Let me give you an example: you can be confident in a particular sport (sprinting, high jump, football) but have low self-esteem regarding maths or English or education in general.

Do you see where I am going with this?

The bottom line is: that just because you are lacking in self-confidence, doesn’t mean your self-esteem is low too.

How Can You Build Your Self-Confidence? Building Activities

Let’s get this show on the road and let me show you these ridiculously easy activities you can adapt to boost your self-confidence. with these activities, you will focus on your body, mind and soul.

Are you ready?

#1: Work On Your Posture

Walk tall, smile often and don’t avoid eye contact. Move with confidence. Learn how not to be shy. Instead of focusing on others or on a crowd, just focus on yourself. Think of each step, each move. You’ve got it!

Self-confidence posture
Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash

#2: Dress For Confidence

You might think it is a bit shallow. Am I right? Well, let me tell you something – you are wrong. By creating a powerful self-image you boost your confidence to another level. Invest in a new haircut, and smart, comfortable new clothes. Put some makeup on even if you work from home or are a full-time mum. It is so simple but so powerful.

#3: Improve Your Speech

Speak slowly with confidence. Even if you say something that is incorrect. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes or say things that aren’t right. You are not the only one.

Don’t forget to keep your chin up, and chest forward – it is a part of your posture but these things go together!and

#4: Smile, Smile & Smile

Did you know that by smiling you release happiness hormones? It is a whole process of releasing hormones: your brain releases tiny molecules called neuropeptides. Then other neurotransmitters like endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin join the game. All of that for a simple smile.

If you are interested in the human superpower, how our brain works and the power of hormones and molecules you have to read Joe Dispenzer’s books.

You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter

Becoming Supernatural

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself

I would also highly recommend visiting this website and to try his powerful meditations.

#5: Exercise

Get your body into shape. I am not talking about a perfect, fit body; I am talking about a body that you feel good and confident in. If you like curvy shapes, then that’s fine. If you like a toned body then that is also fine. As long as you feel confident and comfortable.

#6: Prioritise Yourself

This is something that some people struggle with. Especially parents! And guess what?! it is absolutely normal and intuitive. But don’t neglect yourself, your needs and wants.

I remember when I become a mum. Jezzz!!!! I didn’t see anything but my daughter. I pushed my partnership away, I didn’t care about any of my friends or family. I didn’t care about myself. But that’s not all. I was stuck in this situation for 4 years. 4 long years. I am not saying I regret that, but it was wrong and it impacted many of my friends, my partner and myself.

Finally, after 4 years I realized what I was doing and I shifted my mindset a bit.

I started to practice how to look after myself by accommodating only 30 minutes in the evening for reading. I was always a big fun of self-development and self-improvement books, so I alwasy reached out for a book that I could learn something from.

Then I added some time for myself in the mornings. I had to get up a bit earlier than usual but that allowed me to have time for journaling and meditation.

Then instead of quick showers, I introduced long, relaxing baths a few times a week.

Next was a time for workouts, long walks in my own company or even self-dates which I loved.

#7: Exit Your Comfort Zone

Each day, stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. Set a small task that you know you can accomplish.

Do something unexpected, fight your fears!

Don’t allow your body to be in charge. Your mind is in charge and you are unlimited. you can literally do anything you desire.

#8: By Positive

Stop negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations that you can say in your head during the day. Try minimising the usage of a NO word and replace it with a more positive way of expressing yourself.

Drop a victim attitude! there is no place or time to be a victim. If you wanna achieve something in your life, you need to develop a growth mindset.

#9: Learn Something New

Even if you learn only one thing or something small, it is still better than nothing.

You can set a goal of learning a new language and learn 1-10 words each day.

Or you can learn how to cook a new dish. or learn a new fitness or yoga skill. Invest in your own development and boost your confidence that you can do it. Start from today, don’t wait till tomorrow.

#10: Create A Small Goals List

Create small goals that you can easily achieve. Remember – baby steps! Creating small achievable goals is more encouraging especially when you are a busy parent or busy professional with a lot on your shoulders.

#11: Atomic Habits

Change one small habit daily. It can be something like drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning or starting daily journaling.

Or smile 10 times to strangers during the day. anything that comes to your mind. Make a list of the habits that you would like to incorporate into your life and go through that list each day.

Have you read Atomic Habits by James Clear? This book is a must-have! It will teach you how to change your bad habits into good ones and how a small change can make a drastic difference.

#12: Daily Journaling

Practice gratitude and affirmations daily. If you know me, you know that I swear by daily journaling; especially Gratitude Journaling. there were many things in my life that boost my confidence or improved my well-being, but gratitude journaling was a special one.

If you need a template to start daily journaling, you can download your FREE Morning & Evening Gratitude Journal Printable.

#13: Get Organised

Make sure you are organised across all areas of your life. It will boost your confidence as you are in control; you know what, when and where. By being super organised, you drop your doubts.

#14: Declutter Your Life And Your Mind

This activity isn’t a quick one, but it’s worth the effort. Start by decluttering your home. Get rid of things that you don’t use or don’t need. You don’t need that many clothes, toiletry products, or kitchen accessories. Simplify your life!

Declutter your mind each morning by running a brain dump journal or by running a gratitude journal.

#15: Drop An Autopilot & Your Routine

Try a different route to work or to the shop. Try a different way of doing something. Train your brain, explore the word and the endless possibilities. Never limit yourself.

#16: Be Nice To Others

Work on your courage and kindness. Learn how to smile and how to be empathetic. Try do an act of kindness each day.

#17: Get Rid Of Toxic People

That’s right! Get rid of them.

Don’t allow yourself to be surrounded by toxic, nasty individuals. If you feel like someone is pulling you down, cut the rope!

Remember that you are on the journey to climb up and not go down. replace toxic friends and family members with positive, encouraging ones. People that will push you when you need it. People who will pick you up when you fall.

#18: Stop Seeking Others Approval

Believe in yourself, you have it all. Let me tell you something: you really don’t need to ask anyone also about opinion or approval. You can do it yourself. Just trust your intuition and you will get there.

How Can You Build Your Self-Confidence? Books and Workbooks

Below you can find a list of 6 books that can help you build your self-confidence. The truth is, there are millions of books and workbooks that are available. I am only recommending to you what I have read and what I believe is worth reading.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

5 Weeks to Self-Confidence: A Guide to Confronting Your Inner Critic and Controlling Your Relationship with Your Thoughts by Lynn Matti

The Self-Confidence Workbook: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Improving Self-Esteem by Barbara Markway

Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenzer

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Joe Dispenzer

Maximize Your Potential Through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind to Develop Self Confidence and Self Esteem by Joseph Murphy

To Sum Up

Lets recap!

Boosting your self-confidence it’s not a one-off task that you can tick from your to-do list.

It is a lengthy process that will lead you to many successes and achievements.

In this post, I have provided you with a number of ways how you can boost your self-confidence.

  • Work On Your Posture
  • Dress For Confidence#3: Improve Your Speech
  • Smile, Smile & Smile
  • Exercise
  • Prioritise Yourself
  • Exit Your Comfort Zone
  • By Positive
  • Learn Something New
  • Create Small Goals List
  • Atomic Habits
  • Daily Journaling
  • Get Organised
  • Declutter Your Life And Your Mind
  • Drop An Autopilot & Your Routine
  • Be Nice To Others
  • Get Rid Of Toxic People
  • Stop Seeking Others Approval

Plus I have added some additional resources like books and other posts that you can check out to gain your knowledge.

So give it a go; try and see what works for you. I must warn you; it will take time so be patient.

Trust me. You will be glad you did.

Good luck and let me know below in the comments how did it go.

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