by MindfulHermit

How To Move From Perfection To Progression.

December 31, 2021 | Self-Care

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  • How To Move From Perfection To Progression.
Quit Perfection For Progression.

Do you want to become a powerful, wealthy, healthy person who is powerful enough to make good things happen and do good things? For that, you need to drop your perfection and switch to progression.

Being a perfectionist might be oppressive and tiring. In many cases, it can slow your progress or even stops you from progressing. Sometimes it is much easier to just accept a fact and move on. It’s not always easy, but sometimes it is more painful to keep pushing than to simply accept things as they are.

Disadvantages Of Perfectionism

Waste Of Time.

Some people try to control everything in their life by being a perfectionist. This often causes them to spend more time trying to do things perfect than actually doing things. Trying to control everything in life is exhausting, and many people choose to simply accept that they have imperfections, and to live with those imperfections. Sometimes this is better than striving to change those imperfections. If you have many things going in your life better than what they are now, then you can simply accept that and move on.

Just Accept It!

It is possible to simply accept and live with imperfections. You don’t have to try to change things, you don’t have to try to control everything, and if you accept imperfections then you can be more comfortable with those imperfections. It is often easier to accept imperfections than to continue to fight against them.
Lack Of Acceptance And Willingness.

You don’t have to try to change everything in your life, just accept the things that are already imperfect in your life. Allow yourself to accept imperfections, and live in those imperfections. It is often easier to simply accept imperfections than to continually try to change them. It is often easier to simply accept and allow things to be imperfect, than to constantly fight against them.

When you accept and allow your imperfections, then you can be more comfortable with the imperfections of other people’s lives. The same applies when you live in someone else’s imperfections, then you can live with them, and sometimes it is much more comfortable to live with their imperfections than to try to change them. When you accept and allow the imperfections of others, then you can be more comfortable in your own imperfections.

If you have the willingness to accept and allow what is imperfect in our lives, then you have the ability to be more comfortable with and live in your imperfections.

Mindset and its role in achieving progression.

The most important part of this whole process is your mindset. You have to be passionate about your goals and you have to use the power of positive thinking to achieve your goals.

So, let’s dig a little deeper and find out what you can do to achieve your goals and enjoy your success.

Know What You Want.

You have to know what you want to do so you can map out a plan, and you have to create a commitment to do it, even though you don’t believe it is possible at this moment. Let’s say you want to earn $250,000 per year. What do you mean exactly? Are you talking about your current income? Do you mean your monthly take home pay? Your number of visitors? Your number of sales?

Have A Plan.

You have to have a plan. Without a plan you are like a ship without a rudder. You are heading straight and assuming everything goes right, you will hit your target. Unless you know exactly where you are going and how you are going to get there.

Have A Strategy.

You have to have a strategy how to achieve your goals. What are the strategies you will use and what specific actions will you take? What do you want to achieve? The more specific you can be, the easier it is to determine your strategy. The more concrete your strategy, the easier it is to put into action.

Steps To Achieve Goals.

The below steps will help you achieve your goals. I recommend using a goal setting worksheet to make this process easier. If you want to get more help around setting your goals, you may want to consider using a life coach. If you don’t want to use a worksheet, try these other steps:

Use a notebook.

This will help you organize your goals and aid in your goal setting process. You can keep track of your goals and keep your forward movement as you move toward accomplishing your goals. It also helps to give you a visual aid to your goals.

Read your goals out loud.

This helps you focus your mind on your goals and gives you a verbal reminder of them. By doing this, you’ll also have a written reminder of your goals to act on. This will help you keep your mind on your goals, rather than what you can do to get to them.

Consider all the things you want to accomplish.

Put them in order, making a list of them. Then, pick your top priority goals. This way, you’ll be constantly reminded of the things you want to accomplish.

Your forward movement will be steady if you use these steps to help you achieve your goals. By knowing where you want to go in life, and knowing what you want to accomplish, you’ll be able to keep your mind on your goals.

Tips And Tools.

Take Notes.

Take notes. You write down what you need to write down. You have given yourself deadlines. Use your notes to make your goals more achievable.

Use charts.

Try to be specific in what you write down. Write down how much income you expect to make, how many visitors you expect to get and what kind of traffic you want. The more specific you can be, the easier it will be to determine your strategy. How will you know when you are making progress? Write down the exact date. This will be the day you achieve your goal.


Write down when you want to achieve your goal. You have set a date, a time, a date for your goals. That’s great but what else can you do? What is the minimum date you need to hit to make sure you achieve your goal? And when will you achieve it? Be precise in this part of the process.

Make A Plan.

Make a plan. The steps you will take to achieve your goals must be detailed, definite and clear. In short, your goals have to be something you can accomplish on a specific day. If you don’t know when you will achieve your goal, how will you know when you need to accomplish it? Make your goals time specific.

When you have all the information you need, get started on the first step of your plan. By taking action, you will move toward your goals.

Don’t be afraid to fail. In fact, failure is a crucial part of learning. If you take the time to shoot down ideas, or mistakes you’ve made, you’re shown the possibilities. You’ll learn what you need to learn to move toward your goals.

If you’ve made a mistake, acknowledge it. Acknowledge that you are human and that you will make mistakes. Accept your mistake, and then move on.

How To Move From Procrastination To Progression And Start Achieving The Goals.

So you know how to create a plan and outline for your goals. Yes, you know how to take action and have a start date for each of your goals. Why don’t you take action when you were committed to do so? Did you know it takes only 5 seconds for your mind to switch from one idea/task to another? After 5 seconds the idea is gone and your mind moves on to something else.

When you procrastinate you set yourself up for more failure.

On the other hand, when you start doing the things that are in your plan and outline and tell yourself you will start on them when you are committed, you will start doing them more often.

For your ideas, goals to be achievable you need to take action on them. You need to think about what your initial steps are going to be and tell yourself you are committed to taking those initial steps.

Acknowledge yourself that you are taking action.

Now you are actually taking action on your plan and your goals. When you commit to take the initial action you will start to see results. Think about how much harder your goal is to achieve now than it was when you were committed. How much more focus and attention is needed on that goal now than when you were procrastinating.

Your first action is crucial.

If you procrastinate when you commit to take the first action your results won’t be as good as when you actually start doing what is in your plan. When you start taking action your results will be better because you will be committed and focused and you will have all of the resources you need on your task to achieve your goal.

So how can you start taking action.

Here are some techniques.

1. Create a plan.

When you know what you are committed to do, you can create a plan for getting started. This plan can contain some form of daily action. Sometimes it will be a little more than that. What this does is keep you moving. It helps you keep your momentum going. It helps you not give up. Plan things out for you. Give yourself time to do the actions you need to do. The more detailed and specific the plan, the more likely you will be to follow through. If you don’t have a plan, you are more likely to give up. You may start doing something, but not continue. Sometimes you might try, but not finish. Plan things out. Set up a time frame for completion.

2. Use technology.

Use the technology available to you. The more you use the more you will find that resources are at your fingertips. You can research, consult with others and get expert advice, do market research, gather data, etc. The more you use technology, the more your will become accustomed to it and you won’t even realize that it is available to you.

3. Find a mentor.

It can be your relative, friend, partner. Mentors help you clarify your goals and gives you tools to move you toward success. They can also help you define, plan, and monitor your progress. They do not manage your actions. They do not actually direct you toward your goals.

Mentors may provide some guidance in a direction and then let you do it. They help you stay focused, clarify your goals, but they don’t let you get lost in the process.

The main point is you need to choose a specific mentor. Mentoring has little to do with your job, your boss, your organization, or your position. It is really a relationship that plans your actions and gives you a goal oriented focus. You want to stay focused on your goals and measure your progress toward your goals.

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