by MindfulHermit

10 The Best Types Of Daily Journaling.

March 29, 2022 | Self-Care

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Is your life full of stress? Do you feel constantly overwhelmed? Here, you can find types of daily journaling that can have a huge positive impact on your life.

Journals are places of expression and jotting down feelings, such as emotions, joy and anger, hope and despair, excitement and depression, love and sadness. Active dialogue with oneself is what makes journals valuable and the most useful.

Being completely honest and open with yourself is possible without fearing that someone else will read it. Various purposes may lead a person to keep a journal, from food records to mood journals.

Journaling has been proven to relieve stress in some people. It can be confusing as there are so many types. Journaling may be more comfortable for you if you are used to it. There are many ways to keep a journal and many different journaling styles.

Journaling types and frequency may vary based on your goals and lifestyle. The frequency of journaling may vary depending on your needs. You may journal every day or have another type of journal that you use less frequently.

Having a journal proves to have many health benefits, which are verified to last for many years. The act of journaling facilitates processing thoughts, tracking habits, and enhancing self-discovery.

Benefits of Daily Journaling

  • This space allows you to vent any anxious thoughts and reminds you that you are enough.
  • Journaling can help you cope with stressful situations-studies have shown that even just a tiny amount of time spent writing can reduce blood pressure.
  • Clarifies your thinking by letting you take time to think about decisions you’re unsure of and keeping you on track with your needs and desires.
  • Develops a more vital understanding of your values and the things that are most important to you
  • It makes you more resilient on the emotional front and helps you find more joy in life.
  • Enhances your creative expression and taps into your right brain

The above is just a fraction of what’s possible. Putting pen to paper is the best way to find out how journaling will help you since it is an individual activity.

Daily journaling
Daily Journaling

Types of Daily Journaling

Below you will find a list of journals that you can try.

Bullet Journal

Bullet journals are a popular journaling method. Through the power of social media, this form of journaling has soared to the top of the most popular artistic outlets on Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr. 

Many of you may have seen one of these pictures before. A planner with cute doodles usually appears on dotted or blank pages. Bullet journals are self-made planners that you can customize with information.

Organize your week by listing tasks and days with bullet points. Inking pictures and borders around a page often involves using fine-tipped artist pens.

Bullet journals that make a style statement may feature stickers, magazine clippings, or other objects. You completely customize these journals. Bullet journals look different because they are physical expressions of our creativity and minds. 

Calendar Journaling

Journaling in your planner or calendar is less about recording your thoughts and more about managing your daily routine. The bullet version of one of these journals is the same as the bullet version.

Identify your tasks each day of the week. A planner differs from this in that they are made by you rather than by a manufacturer. Consequently, you have complete freedom of expression and can add whatever you want to them.

A common complaint is buying a planner from a store only to find it lacking enough space for our schedule or notes.

Due to its customizable nature, you can designate what belongs where in calendar journaling. Calendar journaling is an excellent tool for those feeling out of control of their lives.

Many people can’t handle long lists of tasks in their minds. They must see the list on paper; otherwise, they don’t get done. As well as organizing household chores and grocery items, journaling can also help organize more extensive thoughts.

Prepare a bullet-pointed list of your short-term and long-term goals. Seeing your ideas in physical form forces you to follow through with your promises to yourself, helping them arrive at fruition.

Meditation Journaling

The practise of meditation is often used to promote mindfulness and reduce stress in some people. In addition, the combination of journaling and meditation has helped some people reach self-actualization.

The experience is almost like studying yourself and discovering new things about your thinking style. This journaling method might be helpful for you if you meditate frequently.

Meditating helps you achieve the best results. Each person is different, so you are the only one who knows whether or not you have reached that point.

When you have finished, open your journal and write anything you are thinking of right now. Your mind and soul can be unlocked through journaling. This type of reflection can reveal wisdom and thoughtfulness. 

Video Journaling

It might not be your cup of tea to write your thoughts down. We’re not all born equipped with the ability to write legibly or express our feelings on paper. Then perhaps video journaling is something you might benefit from, as it may be one of the best therapeutic tools you have ever used.

Everyone feels better after venting. Video journaling offers the option of venting and journaling at the same time. 

Your webcam or phone camera needs only to be turned on and pointed at you. Speak loudly and record yourself. Your video will be saved in a file on your computer once finished. Feel free to share it with others or keep it private. Keeping it confidential may seem bizarre at first.

Creative Journaling

Research shows people who write two to five times a week for about 20 minutes are at lower risk of developing heart disease. Writing in a journal can help you keep that in check.

Creative writing is precisely what it sounds like. Everyone defines it differently. Journals are used by some people for poetry, while others use them for short stories and flash fiction. Using a word processor on your computer, you can write all that.

However, some people feel that their creativity flourishes when not smothered by red lines, yellow lines, and blue lines indicating what they must fix. Handwriting lets you relax and let your creative juices flow. Furthermore, you can enter them into writing contests or use them for scholarship applications if you can write well.

Travel Journaling

An online travel journal may be a good idea for someone who enjoys travelling. Travel journals are great for keeping track of your experiences. Some things you might include are:

  • Plane/train/bus tickets
  • Brochures
  • Playbills
  • Concert tickets
  • Flowers
  • Pictures
  • Coffee sleeves 
  • Stickers
  • Food wrappings 

The journal can also be used for packing lists and travel itineraries. Whether you use them for writing or recording your trip, travel journals are beautiful ways to remember your trip forever. 

Food Daily Journaling

The people who use food journals enjoy eating out at new restaurants and keeping food diaries. You can record new experiences in your notebook if you love exploring and experimenting with new things.

These are effective because they combine the benefits of writing with something useful. Restaurants you love and those you dislike will forever remain in your mind. Taking these on trips is also a brilliant idea since everyone eats more when travelling. 

Season-of-life journals

It might not have occurred to you, but you can use a journal for whatever season or stage of life you’re in. Consider these suggestions:

  • Engagement  journal 
  • Pregnancy journal
  • Illness journal
  • Unemployment journal 
  • Recovery journal 
  • Retirement journal
  • Season (winter, spring, summer, fall) journal

Life and consciousness aren’t for everyone, especially a journal filled with structured entries. Like writing to yourself, your brain might take pleasure in periodic check-ins. By journaling through your current season of life, you will make sure you are not setting yourself up for a lifelong commitment that will fizzle out soon.

These are just a few of the factors that can describe your life right now, based on where you are right now. You may be experiencing seasons in your life at the same despite this, you can still use this type of journal to process and record the emotions you experience as you work through them.

Dream Journal

A dream journal may be another form of journaling you’ve never thought of. Journaling your dreams and active thoughts in your sleep may be interesting if you have vivid imaginations and busy thought life in your sleep.

Keep a dream journal, as it will inspire you with creative writing ideas. Dream journals are fun to cultivate a creative journaling practice, regardless of your goals. Even simply writing down our thoughts can be powerful, and incredibly we identify patterns, behaviours, and areas for personal improvement.

Health & Wellness Journals

Journaling can be an approach to tracking progress and gaining a greater sense of self-discovery regarding mental health and wellness. There are various forms and functions in journaling. Depending on your regular health and wellness routines, you may structure your journal differently. For example, 

  • Fitness journal

Keeping a fitness journal can be extremely beneficial, no matter what type of exercise you do or eat, such as CrossFit, gym classes, yoga, Peloton, walking, running, tennis, or boot camps. In addition, a personal plan can give you a sense of direction and help to map out how you’re going to accomplish your goals.

  • Meditation Journal

Meditation has been proven to have a lot of health benefits. Whether your practice is strictly physical or spiritual, journaling can enhance it. The journal might be where you jot down things you want to meditate on. For example, if you’re going to keep track of all your meditation sessions, you may want to keep a log of where, when, and how you meditated. 

  • Spiritual journal

Journaling can be done with the help of a bible journal or other religious guides for those on spiritual journeys. However, many people enjoy writing, expressing their beliefs and hopes for themselves regardless of religious beliefs. 


I have identified 10 best types of daily journaling for you. No matter which one you prefer, they all have excellent benefits.

To recap:

  1. Bullet Journaling
  2. Calendar Journaling
  3. Meditation Journaling
  4. Health & Wellness Journaling
  5. Dream Journaling
  6. Video Journaling
  7. Food Journaling
  8. Season of life journaling
  9. Travel Journaling
  10. Creative Journaling

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