by MindfulHermit

13 best tips for peaceful and mindful night.

December 27, 2020 | Self-Care

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13 Best Tips For Peaceful And Mindful Night

There are a few steps that can help you slow in the evening and have a peaceful and mindful night. Embrace your evening energy, reflect on your day. Think where are you now, and the final is to prepare for relaxing sleep.

I have listed some exercises or activities that could help you put yourself in the right mood during evening routine. And the tips are beside all the common stuff that you probably already know.

Stop using the devices at least one hour before bed time, don’t watch or read upsetting content. Try to get rid of any negative thoughts that surround you, brush off your worries from the day, put some relaxing music on, soften the lights, etc.

Let’s jump into the best tips for the mindful night.


Let’S Jump Into The Best Tips For The Evening Routine

Relieve stress, allow yourself to self-reflect.

Slow down your mind. But how can you do it? Sometimes it is so difficult to switch between very busy day into a calm and peace evening. One of the most recommended methods is to write in a journal, give yourself 5-10 minutes to observe your thoughts, and once they appear just write them down. If you would like to reflect on them- go ahead, do it, get it of your chest. that will definietly help you prepare for a mindful night.

Sit and stare

Sit and stare is another mindful night hack. While you are writing your thoughts, you can also use the time to sit and stare. That can allow the thoughts come and go. You don’t need to do anything, just let them be, don’t judge, don’t overthink, just observe. Where are the thoughts are coming from, where do they sit in your body? And once you feel the thoughts in your body just breath in, imagine how the inhaled air expands the part of the body with a gentle yellow light and on the exhale just imagine a dark smoke leaving your body and disappearing in the air.

Focus on an object

Some people don’t feel write writing a journal, and that is totally fine. If you are one of them (or even if you are not) just try focus on an object around you. Pick only one and fully focus on its beauty, texture, usage.

Grab a paper and a pen and describe on the paper everything you notice about the object. Is it soft or hard, what shape is it, does it smell or not? All little things about the object, just write them down. Once you are done, you can get rid of the paper as the whole idea of the exercise was to help you focus on the present moment and don’t think about the day that is passing by or the things that you will need to do next day.

Watch the moon and stars

Another cool tip is to watch the moon and the stars. This exercise is so relaxing, just observe the sky. If you are happy with going deeper, you can imagine what is there, what the starts would look like from the closer distance.

Watch The Moon And Stars

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” – 

Thich Nhat Hanh


Yes, you will hear a lot about meditation and gratitude from me. It doesn’t have to be a long one, 5-10 minutes will do. And it doesn’t have to be quiet meditation. A lot of people get a wrong impression if it comes to a meditation.

There are so many ways you can meditate. You can do an affirmation meditation, mindful meditation, active meditation (not for the evening routine tho LOL) that can help settle you into a mindful night.

Why don’t you try a gratitude meditation? Sit down comfortable and straight so you don’t serve any unwanted pressures to your body, take few deep and slow breathes and start listing thongs that you are grateful for.

Even if the day wasn’t the best one, be grateful that you are still alive. Be gratful that you had the opportunity to live another day, appreciate the water/drinks and food that you had over the day.

Appreciate your body and mind that carried you during the day. Focus on little things, don’t need to think of an extreme stuff that has happened during the day. We often forget about the little things that we are surround by. When did we appreciate the air last time, or the sky, the clouds, the wind?

Gratitude Meditation To Stay Mindful

Reflect on your day

When did you feel energised today? Was it during the workout, or the walk to work. Or maybe during solving an issue and work or in your life? Write it down, reflect on it, describe how you felt, focus on the feelings.I promise you, spending a bit of time on reflecting on your day will lead you to a mindful night.

Reflect on your worries

Once you are done with that, you can move on to your worries. I know, it might sound ridicules – why do I tell you to reflect on your worries? It has been scientifically proven, that writing down helps you get the worries off your chest, clean your mind. You are putting your worries down and by that you let it go, you stop holding them tight in your head.

Prioritisation list

The next big things is to make a list of prioritisation for next day. Again, the same rule applies – once you write that down, you won’t think about it over the night. Write down the biggest task for next day and kick off the day with completing the task. It will release tension from your body, trust me on this one.

Reflect on your learnings

We learn something new each day, scan your day and notice what you have learnt today. You might learn it from someone else or by making a mistake – and either way is good. By making mistakes, we are constantly learning and we are improving yourself, there is nothing wrong with making mistakes.

Tidy up your room

Tidy Up Your Room

Make sure your bedroom is tidy, no clothes hanging around, no unnecessary objects. Use aroma mist: Lavender, marjoram, cedar wood.

A cup of tea

Prepare herbal cup of tea that can help not only digestion but also help you relax before you head off to bed. The best herbal teas are reach in lavender, camomile, lemon balm, passionflower.

Hot bath

Take a hot aromatherapy bath with some Epsom salt that helps relax your muscle and the aroma scenes can stimulates your mind.

Hot Bath To Stay Mindful

Nostril breathing

Once you had a nice bath and a cup of tea, you can practice an alternate nostril breathing. See below for some instruction. It is very easy yet very helpful. After that stretch your body – nothing big, just few deep stretches and off you go to bed.

Nostril Breathing To Stay Mindful
YouTube: Yoga With Adriene

I promise you, once you apply some or all of the tips into your evening routine, your nights will become more relaxed. And what is better than a good night’s sleep?

Please also visit my Morning Routine post.


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