by MindfulHermit

Best Ideas On How To Entertain Kids During Summer Holiday

May 17, 2022 | Parenting

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Are you wondering what to do with your kids during the summer holidays? This post is all about the best ideas on how to entertain kids during summer.

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Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

You are at home with your children, and they are looking up to you for their entertainment all day long! There are so many ideas here to make time fly. You’re never going to tire of these ideas from fun and games to awesome DIY projects, cool activities, and arts and crafts galore.

Taking a few minutes to learn something new each day can positively impact children. While the sun is out and temperatures are high, you can keep your kids entertained at home while they’re having fun with little or no effort on your part.

This post is all about entertainment ideas for kids during the summer holiday

The best ideas to entertain kids during the Summer Holiday

Create A Pet Rock

The idea is to choose a rock when exploring nature with your children. There should be something that isn’t too big, and it should have a smooth enough surface to be able to place paint or sticky materials on.

They may want to paint, glitter, stick-on googly eyes, glue some sticky foam on it or decorate it with whatever they wish to turn it into a pet once they have cleaned and dried it. 

It is a good idea to have some kind of Art Box at home so kids can use it whenever they want to create something arty.

Arts & Crafts Supplies KitGiant Art Jar

Marble Painting

This is for young kids – preschoolers to eight-year-olds. A box or canister of metal or a shoebox will do if you do not have a metal container; thick sheets of poster paper cut to fit the bottom of the container; tempera paint, poster paint or activity paint in at least 6-7 colours.

Give each child a marble and have him or her coat it in different colours and drop it into the box. You can use as few or as many marbles as you want, depending on how many colours you want in your painting.

After closing the lid, shake the box several times. When the painting is dry, open it. You can then wash and try out different colours. Children of older ages might enjoy rolling the marbles gently around in an open container or tray rather than closing and shaking the box.

Family Tree

Teenagers will enjoy this exercise. They can do this on chart paper or using a template on their PCs. Depending on how complicated they want the family tree to be, they can go back as many generations. Learning the names, ages, and relationships in one’s family – all the way down to great grandparents, granduncles, and aunts – is fascinating.

If feasible, dig through old photos and include them as well. A family tree is the most frequent graphic representation of one’s ancestry. Most family trees have a box for each family member, with each box connected to the others to show links.

Depending on the desired intricacy of the family tree chart, each box may include dates, birthplaces, and other info in addition to each individual’s name.

Cooking Experiments

Taking part in the baking and cooking process is something that even very young children can do. They can assist with weighing out ingredients, mixing, and arranging the finished product.

Older children can use the stovetop or the oven when they are cooking. Participating in preparing a dinner for the family may be a very gratifying experience for children of any age. Additionally, the more skills they acquire, the more they will be able to contribute consistently.

There are some kitchen appliances that can be helpful. For example, stand mixer, blender, and food steamer.

Stand MixerBlenderVeg Steamer

The Leaf Hunt

Select a green area outside, like a park or a garden, where you feel comfortable sending your children alone. While the kids are indoors, pick one leaf from a plant/tree/bush for them.

Give the children a container full of these leaves and let them run around in the green area. Their goal is to match the leaves on the plants/trees with the ones they carry. You can also give them as much information as possible, including the name of the plant or tree.

Travel Alphabet

When travelling by car, especially on long trips, this game can be enjoyed by children. Ask your students to identify the alphabet, in sequence, on the number plates of any other cars that they see on the road as they travel from A to Z. Then, have them identify the numbers once they are done with the alphabet. Once they are done with the alphabet, they can start looking for objects, cars or buildings in different colours.

Chalk Mural On A Wall

If you give the poster board, kids’ paper, canvas, or any other legitimate surface to draw and paint on, they will probably head right for the wall! It’s fair that you want to keep your living room clean and safe from graffiti, but how about compromising and allowing them to use an outdoor wall in your home or compound?

To make murals on the vast canvas of the wall, give them coloured chalk instead of paint. This activity can be done in groups if the wall is large enough. Because chalk is easily removed, youngsters can experiment with different drawings on different days.

Car Racing Trac

Make a road for your kid’s cars by putting coloured tape on your carpet or floor. You can also add stop signs and signals to make the activity even more interesting. There should be a special parking area where all cars must stop once the game has ended to park properly. If you do this, you will not have to worry about tripping over toys lying all over the room. After you are done, you will be able to remove the tape easily.

Balloon Volleyball

Keeping the kids entertained when it is too hot to go outside can be challenging, so a rope tied together can be hung down the hallway to keep them busy. Let the kids play balloon volleyball after they have been handed a balloon. With the addition of paddleboards and rackets, it can be played as balloon badminton.

Indoor Bowling

There is a very addictive indoor bowling game that can be made by laying a wooden board or flattened cardboard box on a flat surface. You can use fat crayon stubs or erasers to make bowling pins. You can also use a ping pong ball or marble in place of the bowling ball.

Scavenger Hunt For Magazines

Are you having trouble concentrating on your presentation because the child is nagging you to play? Keep a couple of old magazines in your house and come up with a list of all the types of pictures they can find in there.

Checklists often include items such as a picture of a green car, someone with black glasses, someone sporting a moustache, someone wearing a red tie, etc. Ask your child to rip out these photos and give them to you. Have a small reward ready for your child once he or she finds all the photos.

Room Cleaning Race

It would be helpful if you got yourself a timer and let the children handle everything independently. Are they able to put all of the cushions back on the couch in less than 30 seconds?

Would it be possible to find every blue toy on the floor in under a minute? Do you think all the shoes lying around the house will make it back to the shoe rack in 2 minutes?

Are all the clothes on the bed getting folded within 10 minutes? To motivate your kids to get started, you can set up the timer with the sound of it going off. Don’t forget to reward them at the end for their hard work.

Have A Treasure Quest

The kids will find something to explore no matter how big or little your house or garden is, and it may be done indoors or outside. A treasure hunt can be done in a variety of ways.

Depending on your children’s age, a simple list of natural objects to find like a stick, a flower, a leaf, etc. You could also do a treasure hunt with directional clues — a fun one is to hide the kids’ teddies or toys in places to find and create clues around them. You can also accomplish it by looking for items of various colours or products that begin with specific letters.

Build A Bird Feeder

This is an excellent way to help our feathered friends and teach the kids about the different kinds of birds we have in our neighbourhood. It is easy to make inexpensive bird feeders by following the instructions found on various craft websites. Make sure you put out a bowl of water as well. You should encourage the children to keep refilling the bowl.

Read A Book Collection

What about encouraging your child to read the entire series of books? My daughter is obsessed with “Diary Of A Wimpy Kid”.

The Best 31 Mindfulness Activities For Kids.

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