by MindfulHermit

How To Have Stress-Free Home And Live In Harmony.

May 14, 2022 | Parenting

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  • How To Have Stress-Free Home And Live In Harmony.

Do you feel like you need a stress-free home? Would you like to live in harmony? this post is all about how to achieve it. And it is so simple!

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Live in harmony by Xavier Mouton Photographie

Being mindful does not have to be difficult. In reality, you can easily achieve it by taking a few deliberate actions.

Not only can mindfulness assist you in creating a life you truly enjoy, but it also allows you to slow down and truly appreciate all of the wonderful things in your life. Here are some easy ways to practise mindfulness in your home.

This post is all about how to live a mindful life in harmony.


Make A Mindful Effort To Do Things That Bring You Joy

Creating an environment full of things that bring you joy is a terrific way to become more attentive in your home. Hanging your favourite painting across from your bed, for instance, will allow you to appreciate it every morning when you get up.

Just an example of a wall art. I always go for something that will motivate me all day long.

Another example is hanging a photo from a favourite vacation on the living room wall to remind you of that wonderful moment. Whatever brings you delight, put it in areas where you’re most likely to notice it.

Do Something You Enjoy

Did you ever spend your entire day doing things only others asked you to do? Committing to doing one activity per day that you pick can help you become more mindful of your behaviour.

It could be something as simple as taking up a new activity like knitting or colouring or simply opting to clean up your room at the end of the day. These small everyday decisions can help you become more aware of what you do for yourself.

Bring The Outside In

Spending time in nature is a terrific approach to practise mindfulness and can help you relax, be happier, and sleep better. Incorporate natural features such as indoor plants, wooden textures, and earthy tones into your area to create the impression of being outdoors.

Be A Minimalist

Another method to be more mindful at home is to practise minimalism. Try to figure out what is important in your daily life and commit to keeping only those items in your home.

Cleaning out your “junk drawer” and getting rid of any socks that don’t have a pair, donating things you don’t use anymore, and repairing or replacing appliances that don’t provide a vital function or purpose are just a few examples.

Create A Relaxing Environment

Create a safe, calm sanctuary in your house to practise mindfulness. Whether you’re decorating a guest room or a living room corner, make sure the space is pleasing to the eye. This might be your go-to spot for meditation, journaling, or reading. Allow yourself to utilise this place exclusively for mindfulness and maintain it distraction-free.

Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

Below you can find a list of products that I recommend for your minimalist but cosy corner.

Plastic rug that can be used not only outside but also inside. They are easy to clean and very comfortable.
Meditation cushion that doesn’t have to be used for meditation only.
Cosy corner without plant stand isnt a cosy corner. Definitely one of the must-haves.
Puff/storage ottoman that I use as a coffee table. All you need is a serving tray on top, a small plant or candle and it looks so cute.
Another rug, this time use don top of the puff or underneath the meditation cushion. It looks amazing and extremely cosy.
Serving tray used on top of the puff, so you can place your mugs on it.
A salt lamp is another must-have. Not only it gives a nice warm look, but also it has antioxidant/purifying benefits.

Use All Of Your Senses

Focusing more actively on your senses is a terrific technique to become more attentive. A mix of textures and neutral décor will help create a relaxing atmosphere, while plush furnishings and soothing scents will provide an overall sense of comfort.

Consider Lighting

Something about engaging your senses allows you to escape your thoughts. Simply turning off your overhead lights and burning a few candles after a long day of staring at a computer screen or being around fluorescent lights may calm your disposition and create a pleasant ambience.

Jamin scented candles are one of my favs. There is a wide range of candles on the market; hoverwer Woodwick is a winner in my opinion.

Play Some Music

When you’re anxious, have you ever found yourself going to music? Studies have demonstrated that listening to music for relaxation is useful. Playing quiet and soothing music is a terrific approach to adjusting your thinking and becoming more mindful. Make it a habit to listen to calming music when you’re in your “quiet sanctuary”, so it becomes a part of your mindfulness routine.

Use Soothing Colours

There’s a lot of evidence that the colours you’re surrounded by can influence how you feel. Choose to relax earthy tones and minimise extreme colour variations from room to room if you want to create a more mindful, serene home. Light blues, greys, and purples work well together.

Prepare A Dish

The kitchen is another opportunity to incorporate mindfulness into your house. Making a meal with loved ones while following a recipe can be grounding and connective. When making dinner, something is soothing and relaxing about walking into a kitchen full of delectable fragrances.

Try a short meditation before your meal the next time you sit down to eat. Many of us rush through meals, but this is an important time for the family to be together. From increased enjoyment to reduced stress, mindful eating offers numerous advantages.

Ensure A Restful Night’s Sleep

Set the mood for a restful night’s sleep with a fragrant candle and dark lighting, and consider blackout blinds or curtains in the summer when the sun’s rays can disrupt sleep patterns. Similarly, before bedtime, try a digital detox, as natural and artificial light affects the sleep hormone, essential for good sleep. Instead of wasting time on your devices, you can read a book. As you know me, I am a huge fan of reading books and I have a lot to recommend.

If you haven’t read “The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse” then definitely you are missing on it. It is a book with not so much text (plus has many illustrations) so it is easy and quick to read. And the story line is mindblowing.

Well-Organised Living Area

Don’t let the rising quantity of technology in your home overwhelm you if you enjoy unwinding with the latest box set, a new film release, or scrolling through social media. To keep remotes and chargers arranged and easily accessible, invest in an attractive basket or container to place on a coffee table or side table.

The location where we spend most of our time has a significant impact on our levels of relaxation, and décor plays a significant role in maintaining this state of mind. Cushions and throws keep the area warm and coordinated, while imitation flowers and plants provide a pop of colour to your house without the hassle of upkeep.

Live in Harmony

Home is a warm and cozy place where we can snuggle up on the couch with our loved ones, sit and play games, or be healed when we are ill. A home is a place where bonds are strengthened. However, creating pleasant relationships in our homes can be challenging at times.

What if we don’t have a home because it is defined above? How can we build a space that brings us joy, heals us, and nurtures our loved ones? Here are six strategies for creating a peaceful and harmonious home today.

Take A Digital And Emotional Break By Spending Time Together At Home

Relationships can be destroyed by separation, especially if you are too busy to prioritise your partner or family. When you’re home, disconnect from all digital and emotional distractions and focus on being present and connecting with your partner and children.

If you have to travel for work, find inventive ways to spend time with your husband and children while you’re away. Send them a daily text message expressing your admiration for them and why you admire a particular trait they possess.

If you find leaving your phone on the side difficult, I recommend using the digital detox box.

Couple Dates And Monthly Family Outings

Make time to update the family calendar and add these exciting events to everyone’s schedule. That way, it’s more likely to happen without cancelling or rescheduling due to other obligations.

Both monthly family trips and weekly couple dates have unlimited possibilities. The main thing is to get innovative and include all family members in the decision-making process.

Make A Mission Statement For Your Family

Do you and your family have life objectives or feel like you’re a part of something bigger? This is a fantastic opportunity to ensure that they are linked to you and your extended family.

A family mission statement can provide significance and even identity to its members. It can make children feel special and connected to something bigger. Taking the effort to focus on building a connected family and heading in the same direction can drastically alter your living situation.

Make Family Members Work Together

For a truly peaceful home, collaboration is essential. If you disregard this area, you’ll unintentionally create an atmosphere of tension and even competitiveness. Housework is an important area where collaboration is required.

What’s surprising is that it’s often an area that people overlook or feel will resolve itself independently. This is never the case, and after a few instances of stepping into the kitchen and seeing a sink full of dishes or clothes pouring out of the basket and onto the floor, the tension will rise to the point of conflict.

Daily Forgiveness Practice

It might be difficult to balance at home, where feedback can be provided and accepted. To preserve healthy communication at home, avoid holding grudges between family members and practise regular forgiveness to bring harmony back into balance after a disagreement.


Simply going about your daily routine in your home and focusing on kindness and thoughtfulness can change the atmosphere for everyone. You might even consider using the positive flooding to describe how you exhibit your generosity regularly. Positive flooding is a technique employed to express what we adore about our loved ones in great detail and with loads of praise.

Everyone benefits from actively working to create a family atmosphere where encouragement is regularly voiced, and negativity is eradicated. There are houses where these values are constantly followed, yet there are noticeable variations in peace, joy, and harmony in homes where these principles are not followed.

Because not everyone will naturally exhibit all of these traits, you’ll need to be deliberate about being kind, thoughtful, and spreading happiness to establish the home atmosphere you desire. Enjoy the trip as you strengthen or construct a peaceful, loving, nurturing, and joyful home for your family and future generations.

Insane Facts About Mindful Living.

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