by MindfulHermit

6 Morning Habits that Will Change Your Life for Ever.

December 17, 2020 | Blog

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  • 6 Morning Habits that Will Change Your Life for Ever.
Morning Habits Of Successful People

Morning routine is one of the most important factors during your 24h. By making sure, you have a positive, well though morning routine, you will be in much better mood, more productive and fuller of energy.

There is a number of ideas for Morning Habits To Change Your Life, and I suggest that you tailor your morning activities to you needs, your body clock and your lifestyle.

Some people might argue, that getting up before 5am or be a part of 5am club, would make you be more productive. I don’t fully agree with the theory. Some of us are early birds and some of us are night owls, and you can’t just change your body clock.

Morning Habits of Successful People

To me, the best way to wake up, is with your body clock. What I mean by that? Try to get up without the alarm. And be sensitive about it – I don’t mean go to bed at 2am and expect yourself to get up at 7am. Go to bed at reasonable time and then your body will wake up when is ready to start a day. Just make sure you have 6-9 hours of a quality sleep.

The 6 steps for morning routine

1. Drink water

Drink Water

Once you are awake, drink at least 0.5l of water. It can be just a skill water or water with a fresh squeezed lemon. Make sure you prepare your water of bottle the night before and put it next to you bed. By doing so, you have the water next to you and you can start drinking straight after you are awake.

2. Exercise

Morning Exercises

Do some exercises, you can do some yoga, Pilates, some stretching or 20-30 mins of fat burning exercises if you would like to. If you are a gym person, make sure you pack your gym bag the night before, grab the bag and hit the gym.

Due to my lifestyle, the morning exercises I tend to do at home. I have some days where I will pick up light dumbbells and I will complete 30 mins workout, and some days I will just stretch for 20-30 mins. It all depend on my body and my wants. I always listed to what my body says and what my body wants.

3. Breakfast

Healthy Breakfast

Each a good, full, healthy breakfast. Make sure you organism received some good amount of nutrition and vitamins in the morning.

Below you can find some health breakfast ideas.

1. Poached eggs with broccoli, tomatoes & wholemeal flatbread

(Protein-packed eggs with antioxidant-rich broccoli make this a healthy and satisfying breakfast choice).

2. Scrambled eggs with basil, spinach & tomatoes

(Forget toast and serve your scrambled eggs with fresh tomatoes and spinach for a speedy supercharged breakfast).

3. Creamy yogurt porridge

This delicious oaty breakfast is low in fat and calories and will keep you full all morning. Serve with one of our suggested toppings.

4. Green shakshuka

Treat yourself to a shakshuka with a difference. Mix up your favourite greens, eggs and flatbreads to serve with this healthy weekend breakfast.

5. Berry omelette

A one-egg omelette makes a high protein breakfast. If the brain-boosting berries aren’t sweet enough, add 1 tsp honey.

6. Porridge with blueberry compote

Top high-fibre porridge oats with creamy Greek yogurt and healthy blueberries – buy frozen to help cut the cost of this filling breakfast.

4. Affirmations

Positive Affirmations

Affirmations, affirmation and affirmations. If you haven’t started doing morning affirmations, I would strongly recommend that you start doing it. Use a notebook to write down your affirmations (I use a one notebook for all my written stuff- affirmations, gratitude, forgiveness letters etc).

There are some rules how you supposed to do affirmations

1.ALWAYS start with the word I AM

2.Use the present tense

3.Make it very specific

4.Include dynamic emotion or feeling word

5. Keep the affirmations positive

6. Make them powerful

Below you can see only a few examples of affirmations for you:

  • I have my dream job.
  • My job brings me financial abundance.
  • My boss values the work I do.
  • I attract new clients every day.
  • My optimistic attitude, confidence and hard work naturally draws in new opportunities.
  • I wake up happy and excited every single day.
  • Everyone sees how much joy and love I have for life.
  • My relationships are positive and filled with love and compassion.
  • I am present in every moment.
  • I see beauty in everything.
  • I am surrounded by peaceful and kind people.

5. Visualisation


When you are done with writing down your affirmations and saying them loud, ideally to the mirror, with so much confidence, you can start visualise what you have written. Just close your eyes and imagine yourself as a person that you would like to be. Imagine the scenario. If one of your affirmations is to drive a 4×4 car, just imagine yourself driving the car to work, or to the gym.

If your affirmation is to live in a tiny house by the river, close your eyes and visualise yourself sitting at the comfortable sofa or chair, with the view on the river, with the beautiful trees around the house. That is easy, don’t rush, enjoy the time.

6. Meditation

Morning Habits To Change Your Life

The last step of the Morning Habits Of Successful People is meditation. If you struggle to meditate, there is a number of meditation guides online that you can use. But don’t stick to them for good, try to improve your mediation skills. Meditate for 10-20 mins a day, this is the time that you are just with yourself, and the thoughts should be away from you too. This is not a good time for you to think what you are going to cook for a dinner or what you are going to wear. The time is dedicated just for yourself.

Benefits of Getting up Early.

Is getting up early in the morning really beneficial for you?

Are you really more productive and more successful than night owls?

Below you will find scientifically proven facts that getting up early will lead you to success and productivity.

Explanation:  When I say success, I dint mean earning millions or having 3 massive companies. For each of us success would differ, depend on our own expectations.
For some of you, it might be a part time shop assistant and happy parent of 3, where for others it might be a CEO position or an entrepreneur. 

But, back to the topic early birds! Below you can find the benefits of getting up earlier.

Increase productivity

There are less interruptions as most people are still sleeping. Your brain is more alert in the morning than afternoon or evening. I remember when I was taking my second degree in Marketing, I had to wake up early to do my assessments and reports as I had a baby at that time. So while the rest of the household was still sleeping I was already cracking on with my uni work. I was so impressed with the speed of my brain and the ideas I had in my head. I was always getting the best grades for the assessment I have done early in the mornings. Once I have seen the results, I have adapted the habit of getting up early each day.

Waking up early is the first good decision you made and that will lead you to making better decisions during the day

Help you manage negative thoughts

Getting up early usually mean going to bed eerily. Study shows people that go to bed late are more overwhelmed, agitated and have negative thought floating in their heads.  

Reduce procrastinating

As your brain is more alert in the mornings, you are ready to do actual work and stop procrastinating.


Allows you have time for self-care: meditation, visualisation, affirmations, journaling, exercises. If you listen to any talks from successful people, you will notice that a lot of them practice morning self-care. Visualisation and affirmation has a magic power that can help you reach your goals. Why is that? Your brain doesn’t see the difference between the reality and the imagination. Thus, when you imagine yourself in the position that you would like to be, then sooner or later you will get there. Your brain will direct you in a clever way to complete all tasks so you will success.

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