by MindfulHermit

The Best Ways To Stop Negative Thinking.

April 10, 2022 | Self-Care

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  • The Best Ways To Stop Negative Thinking.

Do you feel like your life is driven by negative emotions that have a big impact on you? This article is all about stopping negative thinking and moving on with your life.

Did you know that negative thinking has a huge impact on your mental health and wellbeing?

Your mental attitude has a profound effect on how you see the world. If the attitude is predominantly negative, it can have consequences for all aspects of one’s life. That includes health, career, family, etc.

Negative thinking can lead to several problems such as social anxiety, depression, stress, and low self-esteem.

If you want to change your negative thoughts, you will need to understand how you think in a new way. You will need to learn strategies to change or lessen the impact of these thoughts. Our thoughts and emotions are linked to our behaviour, so how we think affects how we feel and act.

As such, even though we are all subject to negative thoughts from time to time. We must know what to do when those thoughts arise so we don’t let them impact our day in an unfavourable way.

Causes of Negative Thinking

What are the causes of negative thinking then?

There is a strong correlation between negative thinking and fear. It is very rare for anyone to feel afraid, and fewer still enjoy facing those fears. It is because of fear that so many of us have negative thoughts.

When we are afraid of what might happen, we are paralyzed and unable to pursue the things we desire in life while striving to avoid negative outcomes. The fear of the unknown is one of the most common fears people have. 

Whenever we do not know or cannot predict the outcome of a situation, we tend to play it safe. It is often due to this that we adopt a pessimistic attitude towards the future.

Even though this negative thinking may allow us to avoid our fears, it will prevent us from realizing our full potential.

This can often lead to greater dissatisfaction and regret in the long run compared to adopting a more optimistic viewpoint and setting out on a path to pursue more positive thoughts.

To avoid this, we need to become aware of what scares us and prevent them from negatively affecting our minds in this way.

This post covers the best ways to stop negative thinking.

Best Ways To Stop Negative Thinking.

1. Engage In Mindfulness And Self-Awareness.

Meditation is a tool that can be used to cultivate mindfulness. Observing yourself from the outside as a spectator is a way to detach yourself from your thoughts and emotions. At the same time, it allows you to observe them objectively.

The practise of mindfulness can assist you in developing greater self-awareness. It can also help enable you to become more aware of your thoughts. Mindfulness is about changing your relationship with the thoughts that you have.

Think of your emotions and thoughts as floating objects that you can stop and observe or let go of as they float past you. By allowing the thinking part of your brain to take over, the goal of mindfulness is to control the way you react to situations by letting emotions be a thing of the past.

Several theories suggest that practising mindfulness can make it easier for an individual to use his or her thoughts more adaptively. The results of one study show, that people who practise mindfulness experience fewer negative thoughts after they have been exposed to negative imagery. This suggests that the practice of mindfulness may be able to reduce the intensity of such thoughts.

2. Keep Your Thoughts Moving.

There is a big difference between thought stopping and mindfulness. The intention is to keep yourself on the lookout for negative thoughts and insist on eliminating them from your life.

It is important to realize that one of the problems with stopping your thoughts is that the harder you try to stop them, the more they will surface. In other words, you may notice that your thoughts run in circles.

Mindfulness is preferred to reduce the impact of thoughts on you. It is because it allows you to give your thoughts less weight and lowers their impact. The experts believe that reversing the negative thoughts after trying to stop them is more detrimental to your health than stopping the negative thoughts. Psychologists generally recommend finding ways of dealing directly with negative thoughts in a more effective way.

3. Maintain a Thought Diary.

Keeping a thought diary can be a helpful tool in changing one’s negative thinking style. It helps you become more aware of your negative thinking styles and better understand how your thoughts cause your actions.

The purpose of thought journaling is to explain what a person is thinking on a date. It also records their emotional and physical reactions as a direct result of negative thinking patterns.

After completing the thought analysis, you will be able to replace irrational thoughts about rejection with more positive and helpful thoughts.

4. Getting Rid of Your Judgment.

As humans, we are all prone to making assumptions, having biases, and passing judgment on those around us. It is based on our own experiences and our own experiences. It’s one factor that leads to phenomena such as stereotyping and discrimination. However, it also serves as a method to put ourselves down when we compare ourselves with others.

The tendency is to look at the people who have already achieved similar goals to ours. Therefore, this might lead us to think that they will do better than us if we do not have these goals. We need to understand how they achieved their goal and why we will never achieve it.

It is so easy to be dragged down by negative thoughts when trying to achieve our goals. So, you need to be careful not to compare yourself to others and make these types of judgments. When you finally accomplish this goal, you will feel free.

5. Be Prepared For Criticism.

It is absolutely fine to defend yourself in certain situations and stand up for yourself. Still, we can all strive to be better criticism receivers, especially if these criticisms serve a constructive purpose.

The moment someone criticizes us, many negative thoughts can occur in our minds. Our attention is drawn to only what we consider negative in their words. In our minds, we create reasons for why we are not good enough. The good news is that you can avoid this problem by learning to cope with criticism effectively.

6. Identify Your Strengths.

If you take a moment to reflect on the comments that you remember people making about you, you will find that most are negative ones. In our human nature, we tend to focus on the negative aspects of our lives while overlooking the positive aspects. To achieve success, we must focus on the positive aspects of who we are rather than dwell on our failures and shortcomings.

Try shifting your focus to the positive aspect of your personality. If you do this, you may find more inclined to overcome your negative thought processes. When you shift your mentality to focusing on positive things in your life, you will find it much easier to think and act positively in your life.

It might be a good idea to take a moment to write about a few positive things about yourself. Every time you feel like you’re thinking negatively about yourself, either pull out these positive statements or make a few new ones.

7. Allow Yourself To Be Angry.

Our motivation is essential to everything we do, and to change our thinking will take a great deal of effort. Recognizing and quantifying the destructive nature of a negative thought becomes even more evident when considering this.

Take a moment to feel upset about how you are treating your relationships by feeling sorry for yourself. Get angry that your craving for sugar leaves you feeling bad and deprived of the energy you require throughout the entire day!

If you take that little ball of anger as your fuel, you’ve already started your journey towards an entirely new value system where you decide that no amount of self-pity is worth sabotaging the relationships you truly value and never want to be sorry for yourself again.

This fiery motivation in your brain will help you make a choice to build on your healthy present rather than succumb to temptations and indulge in choices that will lead to more negativity in the future.

8. Narrow Your Focus To Increase Your Effectiveness.

Our minds are limited to one thought at a time, so we can focus only on one thing at a time. Focus-less people can improve and boost their productivity by using different methods.

Focus is perhaps the greatest enemy of accomplished goals, as are other goals that dilute our efforts and divert our attention. Prepare a list of every negative thought you want to get rid of, but prioritize them and work on them one by one.

A recent study found that focusing attention on just one negative thought structure for two weeks can eliminate it permanently. You will improve your thoughts every day as you improve the quality of the content in your mind, and the people around you will reciprocate by providing you with greater joy, success, meaning and value in your life.

If you haven’t tried the Headspace app, I would highly recommend starting using it. I have been using the app since 2019 and it helped me so many times to get back on track with my thoughts. It has an endless list of meditations/courses etc. And you can try it for free.

Final Thoughts.

Having negative thoughts is not something that should be continuously exposed to by anyone. It is important that you are happy with your life. You must understand the root of negative thinking to overcome it. Make use of the strategies that have been described above, and stop letting these negative thoughts hold you back from being able to reach your goals.

When you find that you cannot control your thoughts or that they are interfering with your ability to meet your day to day responsibilities and enjoy life, it is time to seek help from a professional. There are many benefits from counselling and therapy, including being able to reduce emotional suffering as well as experiencing self-development.

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