by MindfulHermit

How To Practice Daily Gratitude

April 19, 2022 | Self-Care

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Do you struggle to find your inner peace? This article will help you understand why gratitude is so important and how it can help become better version of yourself.

In many cases, when someone assists us or gives us a gift, we express our gratitude by saying “thank you.” However, from a scientific point of view, gratitude is more than just an action. It is an emotional state that serves an important biological function.

In positive psychology, gratitude is defined so that scientists can measure its impact. Therefore scholars argue that gratitude is more than feeling grateful: it is an appreciation of someone that results in a longer-lasting sense of positivity.

Researchers have published studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of specific interventions. It shows that have positive outcomes in almost every area of a person’s health and well-being throughout the past few years. 

Several studies have shown that gratitude can boost your immunity system, lower your blood pressure. It can also increase your optimism, decrease depression, improve your love life. The research showed that it can even help you cope with even the most life-threatening crisis.

The Importance And Benefits Of Gratitude And How It Can Help You Become A Better Person.

Enhanced Wellbeing

The act of expressing gratitude can significantly enhance your general sense of well-being. Gratitude is a positive attitude of being open minded, more agreeable, and less neurotic. In addition, gratitude is negatively associated with depression and positively associated with life satisfaction.

The point here is not to suggest that “depressed people” should simply be thankful. What I mean is that depression is a very complicated disease and struggle for millions of people across the world.

Maybe rather than focusing on the treatment alone, gratitude practices need to be part of the treatment and therapy for people whom suffer from depression.

Developing Deeper Relationships

Gratitude is a powerful tool that can be used to strengthen interpersonal relationships as well. A person who expresses gratitude to others tends to be more willing to forgive others. The person is also less narcissistic than someone who does not express gratitude towards others.

By giving thanks to those who have helped you, you strengthen your relationship. It can lead to more successful relationships and promotes feelings of connection and fulfilment in your relationships.

I would highly recommend using Headspace App. I have been using the app for the last 3 years and I am over the moon with the variety of options. There are endless meditations (from very short to long ones), plus courses, motivational talks, etc.

Improved Self-Control 

To be disciplined and focused, self-control is essential. Having self-control over your behaviour can benefit your long-term well-being. For instance, someone trying to quit smoking can use self-control to resist nicotine in cigarettes in the long run.

To achieve long-term success for our physical, emotional, and financial health, we need to cultivate self-control.

When we are thankful for the things in our lives, we can make the decisions we need to make to live our lives in the long run, both emotionally and physically. The concept of gratitude toward a healthier society and world has so many applications that can be applied in many ways.

Better Physical and Mental Health 

According to the research, patients with heart failure who maintained a gratitude journal experienced reduced inflammation. It also showed that gratitude journal can improve sleep, and mood. Heart failure symptoms can improve after only eight weeks.

It would seem that there is a correlation between the mind-body connection and the benefits of gratitude. In this way, the feeling of appreciation helps us cultivate healthier minds, which leads to healthier bodies as well.

Insist On A More Neurobiological Based Morality 

Scientists are now beginning to explore what the mysterious human brain does when filled with gratitude. According to one study, functional magnetic resonance imaging measured the brain’s reaction to gratitude feelings.

According to the researchers, by eliciting feelings of gratitude from their participants, they found that gratitude boosted activity in areas of the brain involved in morality, reward, and judgment. These findings are intriguing and warrant further research in the future. Is gratefulness associated with moral behavior?

This might indicate that philosophers and religious thinkers have used gratitude for the establishment and maintenance of their societies in the past. It will be interesting to see what future investigations will uncover regarding psychological investigations of gratitude.

Important Factors That Will Help You Cultivate A More Grateful Attitude In Your Daily Life.

Be Grateful For Everything, Don’t Be Picky. 

There is no need to save gratitude for the “big” things in life it can be embraced at any time. To cultivate the habit of being thankful, you must appreciate everything good in your life and recognize that nothing is too small for you to give thanks for. Irrespective of how simple it seems, it is as simple as appreciating the clear skies or the speed at which your postman delivered your mailbox last time.

Practice Mindfulness. 

Every day, take a few minutes to write down five or ten things you are grateful for. You must visualize it in your mind and feel that feeling of gratitude in your body at the same time. Every time you repeat this daily, your brain will be rewired to naturally become grateful, and you will start feeling happier after every session.

People start showing different brain patterns due to gratitude practice within only eight weeks, leading to greater empathy and more happiness in life. To ensure that the gratitude will come more easily as you go along, training your brain to be grateful is a crucial aspect of the process

Run A Gratitude Journal.

If you want to reflect on your positive thoughts after your mindfulness session, write them down. To keep track of and refer back to the positive things in your life, it is good to keep a journal of the things you are thankful for.

Take the time to write down the positive things that come to your mind to focus more on the subject. It is only when your pen touches the paper and you are writing the words that you are consciously thinking about them without other distracting or ungrateful thoughts that you can put the pen to paper.

As a gratitude practice, you can write in your gratitude journal every day, weekly or monthly.

If you don’t have any journals at home, download FREE Daily Gratitude Journal from my library.

Find Your Purpose.

If one has aspirations or aims to achieve something in life – growing a garden, raising children, or honoring one’s spirituality – they are happier than those who don’t have aspirations or goals. The accomplishment of a goal provides a sense of purpose, boosts self-esteem and binds people together.

Whether your goal is to achieve something or not does not matter as much as whether you enjoy the process of achieving it. To achieve your long-term goals, you should align your daily activities with your life’s meaning and purpose.

There is some evidence to suggest that relationships are the most significant aspect of your life that provides meaning and purpose. Therefore, facilitate meaningful interactions in your life to practice gratitude.


Many people find that one way to have a more grateful heart is to give back to those around them in their local community. It will not only make you more grateful for the things you normally take for granted but it has also been proven that volunteering to help others leads to increased well-being for us and thus a stronger sense of gratitude for the things we take for granted.

Express Yourself.

The simple act of expressing appreciation is not enough in some cases. The people you care about will be able to appreciate you more if you express that same gratitude to them as well. A show of gratitude can be a great way to brighten up your loved one’s day, but it can also be a great way for you to further boost your feelings of gratefulness and happiness on a long-term basis.

Enjoy Time With Family And Friends. 

It may seem difficult to feel gratitude at the moment, but spending time with your friends and family can help you feel grateful. It will help you become closer to them and strengthen your relationship with them, but it will also give you the chance to cultivate your sense of gratitude towards important people.

You can start small if your friends and family have difficulty finding ways to support each other. For instance, why don’t you pay more attention to what someone is saying to you the next time they share a story with you, rather than waiting for your turn to participate? Make a point of complimenting a difficult family member’s new shoes or their new haircut to start the conversation.

Make Your Life Happier By Improving Other Areas. 

Happiness can be made by being grateful, but being grateful can also be made by being happy. So in addition to exercising or participating in a hobby you enjoy, there are plenty of other ways to improve your mood.

The moment you start to feel the endorphin rush in your body, showing gratitude will become easy, and you’ll soon be able to make a list of all of the things in your life you are grateful for.

Final Thoughts

Research has shown that there is an extensive body of evidence suggesting that it can be beneficial for both our mental and physical health and many other aspects of our lives. There is an important link between gratitude and happiness, even though it is not for everyone. Gratitude can help us to live more fulfilled lives with fewer problems.

10 The Best Types Of Daily Journaling.

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