by MindfulHermit

6 Biggest Single Mom Struggles And How To Deal With Them

April 16, 2022 | Parenting

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6 Biggest Single Mom Struggles And How To Deal With Them
6 Biggest Single Mom Struggles And How To Deal With Them

Are you a mum that has just started a single parenting journey? This article is all about the top 6 single mom struggles and how to deal with them.

Single Parenting And Its Challenges.

Parenting is not an easy job. Let alone single parenting. Each day, a single mom faces new challenges that are constantly changing. If you create a schedule for your day, it will make your life much easier. It is always a challenge to give birth to a child and raise that child. All over the world, people are buoyed by difficulties associated with the responsibilities of becoming a parent.

6 Biggest Single Mom Struggles And How To Deal With Them

In contrast, when one has a spouse who stands by their side, one feels more confident and is reassured that one will have adequate emotional support in your life. A single mum’s life is a huge challenge in itself. You have to face the fact that you have lost your loved one, but you are also expected to carry out all the responsibilities involved with raising your child and living your life. It makes the challenges multiply by themselves. 

Like the first challenge, you need to deal with your family by yourself, as you are responsible for both of them simultaneously. You have to make all the decisions by yourself, and you have to make sure that your family’s requirements are met. You must learn how to deal with overwhelming tasks. Plus you have to meet your career obligations, and most importantly, you have to deal with your emotional overload so that you do not forget the emotional requirements of your baby. 

These challenges may present themselves in a series, in combination, or even alone to a single mom. Even though parenting as a single mom can present several challenges, there is no denying the fact that it can be a difficult task.

As it can easily lead to anxiety and depression for some people, you need to look for options where you can find a way to cope with these challenges.

Top 6 Obstacles As A Single Parent.

Not Having Anyone To Tag

When you are parenting 24/7 as a single mom, there is nobody to hand over the baton to when you have a bad moment, which can quickly cause burnout. It also causes a lot of anxiety and stress as you have to make all the decisions independently.

In many cases, single moms are the only ones who can fully support their children, whether it be them throwing tantrums or making school decisions.


Make sure you have a support system in place. If you’re a single mom, you need help – whether you need someone to watch your kids while you run out to do errands or just someone to talk to when you’re overwhelmed.

Even though it’s tempting to handle everything yourself, ask your friends and family for help. Get involved in a single-mom support group near you, or hire a trusted babysitter to help out with the kids or assist with housework if you can afford to do so.


As a single mom, it is almost impossible to know whether you’re doing a good job raising your child. Having someone who agrees with or disagrees with your parenting methods in your relationship can help you realize the value in the positive outcomes and help you improve in the areas where you fall short.

However, as a single mom, you’re expected to do that all on your own, often leading to feelings of inadequacy.


Remove the word “guilt” from your vocabulary and remove all guilt-provoking thoughts. There’s no denying that single moms often feel guilty about the time they don’t have, the things they can’t do for their children, or the things they can’t provide for them.

Nevertheless, for your sense of well-being, it would be more worthwhile to focus on all you accomplish daily and all you provide daily – and don’t forget about all the love, care, and comfort you provide on your own time. Just make a list if you ever doubt your accomplishments daily. Remind yourself that you are doing your best and that no one is perfect.

Anxiety And Stress (About Money)

The economic vulnerability of many single moms is exacerbated when they do not have two sources of income. Single moms are often pushed below the poverty level by the minimum wage-even when they work full-time. 

Consequently, it is no surprise that poverty and economic hardship are closely linked to depression and anxiety. 


Being a single mom, and relying on an ex-spouse for child support, can be one of the most challenging aspects of being a single mom.

Therefore, it is vitally important that you define your financial goals because you will not be able to make sense of your plan without them.

Making a budget is a great way to help you understand where all your money is being spent and where it needs to be spent.

Look for any areas where you could reduce your spending or cut out. Think about whether you can make any other sacrifices that can be made to save money, such as daily coffee runs or living in a cheaper place.

Neglecting Your Own Needs

There is often pressure on single mom to be the perfect parent even if the other is not involved. It is easy to forget to take care of yourself after spending all day working full-time and then focusing on Mommy duty at home.

Going to the spa is a pipe dream for most single moms, and finding time to exercise can be a real challenge. As a result, single moms tend to put their care at the end of their list of priorities, even though self-care may enable them to deal with the challenges of single parenting.


The importance of scheduling time for yourself cannot be overstated. It is important to set aside a little personal time, even just reading a book, taking a warm bath, or talking with a friend because it gives you a chance to recharge.

Take time every week to do something that you enjoy for yourself, even if it is only for fifteen minutes. It is important to find ways to reconnect with yourself before becoming a parent as a single mom, whether for a walk or writing in a journal.

Sleep Deprivation

There is no surprise that single moms do not get enough sleep. That is because they can accomplish so much more when their children are asleep.

It is not uncommon to find yourself unable to get a good night’s sleep due to responsibilities such as laundry, housekeeping, night shifts, and studying. Poor sleep is known to increase the risk of depression and anxiety, but it is also known to increase the chances that you as a single mom will suffer from immune deficiency and develop heart disease.


Make sure you turn off your TV, phone, and tablet at night. It is understandable if you get the kids into bed only to watch shows, play video games, or work until too late in the morning after the kids’ bedtime.

Turning all of this off and going to bed may feel like an agonizing task. It may take a while to break the habit. Nevertheless, you may find that once you make the change, you are much more productive during the day and a lot more relaxed with your children.

Lack Of Strong Support Networks 

Parenting as a single mom may be a lonely experience, as single parent – whether by choice or circumstance – may find their friends drifting away when needed the most. Friends and family often take sides, feel awkward, or find it hard to relate to the new reality that single mom have to live with. The feeling of alienation and hopelessness that comes from being disconnected from the community can be overwhelming.


Don’t be afraid to ask for help. To start, the first thing you have to do is let go of the pressure you are putting on yourself to accomplish everything all on your own. Think about how people around you are handling this.

Even many families with two parents receive regular assistance from grandparents, aunts, and uncles. It is perfectly okay for a single mom to enlist the help of others when they need it.

Needing help does not mean that one is weak or incompetent. As you get the hang of asking for help, it becomes easier. Start by identifying one small area where you need help. Depending on your comfort level, you may want to consider swapping tasks such as child care and cooking with your friends or other family members.

Final Thoughts

It is often said that life is a juggle for single mothers, but remember, life is a juggle for everyone. Remember that, even when things are going badly, you are still family and that you’re all in this together. Investing the right kind of time and energy will help you sail through your days with laughter, ease, and much more happiness than you might have dared to think possible.

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